Strapping on an oxygen tank and diving in headfirst might be the wisest course of action here. Some art needs to be hung on the wall and stared at inquisitively, while other pieces require a more active approach. It's an instance where contrasts just work. Elephants At The Door by Dumbo Gets Mad, released 02 February 2011 1.

The pitch-shifted vocals, which might be the oddest sound here, beckon eerily over a drum beat that could soundtrack any number of hip-hop songs. From analog hums to Mellotron-like whispers, retro vibes are revived without sounding rehashed. Synthesizers make up a great deal of the sound, but none of the equipment sounds new. Keeping track of every subtle texture that flows through "Marmelade Kids" is harder than it sounds: The instrumentation comes on easily enough, but it's not long before the music develops into a series of different phaser effects, distortions and reverberations. The Italian duo Dumbo Gets Mad specializes in psychedelics for the sober, bringing experimentation together with detailed pop songwriting. 'Eclectic Prawn' is a song of Dumbo Gets Mad from 'Elephants at the Door' album.