It also needs the network state so as to limit internet usage when you are on a metered network. Internet, Network State, Wifi State - Frost fetches the pages from Facebook's mobile website.Automatic bug reports are sent when a crash is detected, so even if you don't contact the devs, you are helping contribute by using the app.Horizontal swipe can be enabled along side the viewpager swipe with a simple long press.Focusing on a text input will prevent refreshing, so you don't accidentally swipe and lose your progress.Fixes the little things - Frost is community driven, and many tweaks are added to address minor inconveniences and give a full native experience, despite being a web app.Frost is proud to be one of those apps, and can be found on github (Link in the app's about section) Fully opened - Nothing speaks for privacy more than being open sourced.Frost is also the only app to support transparent themes. Complete theme engine - Frost contains very comprehensive themes that customize all components of the app.Material Design - Built for lollipop and up, Frost focuses strongly on a beautiful and functional UI, and embraces material transitions and dimensions.Need to zoom into an image or download it? Long press the image! Need to copy a block of text or share a link? Long press the text. Contextual awareness - Frost integrates additional features via long presses.Open links and notifications with a full screen view, then swipe away to get back to your previous task.